SassDoc, release the docs!
# Install SassDoc globally
npm install sassdoc -g

# Run SassDoc on your project
sassdoc source/

Already using SassDoc? Upgrade to version 2 right away!

SassDoc is to Sass what JSDoc is to JavaScript: a documentation system to build pretty and powerful docs in the blink of an eye. Among other things, SassDoc is:

  • usable out of the box;
  • highly customisable;
  • blazingly fast;
  • fully themable;
  • integrated with Grunt/Gulp/Broccoli or directly Node.

How it works

SassDoc parses your source folder to grab documentation-specific comments. From there, it builds a data tree, that gets enhanced and filtered before being passed to the view. So you end up with a fully styled HTML document, like this:

SassDoc Default Theme

What they say

Ezekiel Gabrielse

@SassDoc_, I didn't realize how awesome this tool was until I used it. This weekend is make-a-theme-weekend for this guy!

Ezekiel Gabrielse

Everybody that creates Sassy things for the community should check out @SassDoc_. Definitely one of the coolest Sass tools I've run across!

Tim Hartmann

I’m In love with @SassDoc_ <3

Tim Hartmann

Fabian Fabian

Writing docs with @SassDoc_. actually fun. maybe the point of documentation is more to think through what you’re doing – not who reads it.

Fabian Fabian

Adonis K.

Decided to stop postponing it and give @SassDoc_ a go. Now I'm sad for postponing it because it's one of the best and essential Sass tools!

Adonis K.

All these projects are documented with SassDoc. What are you waiting for?

Get started